
pass off



pass off为短语/超纲词汇

pass off

(a) (of an event) take place and be completed (指事情)发生并完成
*The demonstration passed off without incident. 游行自始至终未发生意外.
(b) (of pain, the effects of a drug, etc) come to an end gradually; disappear (指疼痛、药效等)慢慢消失, 消退
*The numbness in your foot will soon pass off. 你脚上的麻木感一会儿就会消失. pass sb/sth off as sb/sth represent sb/sth falsely as sb/sth 冒充某人[某物]
*She passed him off as (ie pretended that he was) her husband. 她把他假充作自己的丈夫.
* He escaped by passing himself off as a guard. 他冒充警卫逃走了.
1. But this time, the feeling didn't pass; the dragon had become a part of me.

2. But the very success of jukus in training youngsters to pass exams has made the competition worse: Jukus help more students pass exams, so the exams have to be made more difficult.

3. We are going to pass out the pamphlets to the members of this group.

4. When the bull got close to him, he clumsily stepped aside to let it pass.

5. The road was too narrow for cars to pass.
    路很窄, 汽车过不去.

6. There is no admittance without a pass.

7. The brain surgeon asked the nurse to pass him a probe.

8. The Great St. Bernard Pass connects Switzerland to Italy.

9. The temperature drops to-30°and very few people attempt to cross the Pass.

10. Two centuries were to pass before the next important discovery was made.
